Aug 24Liked by Robert Lazu Kmita

I have read Blessed Catherine Emmerich's visions, collected by Clemens Brentano. She said that Adam and Eve were only in the Garden one day, and that she has "seen Paradise far, far off like a strip of land directly under the point of sunrise. When the sun rises, it mounts up from the right of that strip of land which lies east of the Prophet Mountain and just where the sun rises. It looks to me like an egg hanging over indescribably clear water which separates it from the earth. The Prophet Mountain is, as it were, a promontory rising up through that water. On that mountain, one sees extraordinarily verdant regions broken here and there by deep abysses and ravines full of water. I have, indeed, seen people climbing up the Prophet Mountain, but they did not go far." Her description of the Prophet Mountain is rather intriguing and mystical. Who knows? I would not be surprised if it does exist in some form in our world, since from it came our first people, in the flesh.

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Indeed, Paradise can be "noticed" on earth - but, in my opinion, not physically but symbolically (i.e., mystically). For example, the building of every Catholic church - that was created by paying attention to the Traditional rules of the sacred architecture - is, in a certain way, Heaven (i.e., Paradise) on earth. But - I repeat and I emphasize - only symbolically/mystically. Otherwise, I think that those Saints and Doctors who thought that Paradise does somehow still exist on our fallen earth are, so to say, to enthusiastic. What I take as granted from their interpretation is the reality of Paradise. I think that even Blessed Anne Catherine Emerich's visions must be understood spiritually/symbolically. In any case, I will publish a series of essay (which will be developed in a forthcoming book), where I will explain completely my perspective on Paradise. Thank you very much for your comment!

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Aug 24Liked by Robert Lazu Kmita

Maybe. One day we shall see it for ourselves, through God's grace, and then we will know with certainty. And then it won't matter!

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