Thank you! Like many modern writers, Sienkiewicz went through many temptations. However, from an enthusiastic "progressivist," he became an incurable skeptic and a conservative traditionalist who distanced himself from the modern world. His historical trilogy—"With Fire and Sword," "The Deluge," and "Pan Wołodyjowski"—especially reflects both his strong Romantic inclination (literary speaking) and his "traditionalist" turn (intellectually speaking). His work is definitely worth reading—especially the trilogy.
Power is ever true to its vital principle, for in every shape it would reign without control or inquiry – its throne being built across a dark abyss, which no eye must dare to explore, lest the baseless fabric should totter under investigation. Thus obedience, blind obedience, is the catch-word of tyrants of every description.
Wonderful piece, I now want to investigate his work! And that quote... A truth bomb: "Obedience must have its limits, beyond which guilt begins."! Thank you!
<< What is always omitted by the proponents of hyper- or super-papalism (Peter Kwasniewski) is a certain condition that, although only implicit, is absolutely obligatory: >>
It makes it sound like I am a proponent of hyperpapalism, when that is precisely what I argue against in countless pages.
Abuse takes many forms, but a cover of a virtue such as obedience helps the medicine go down for those of a religious temperament. I read the story of a seminarian who described being abused by Fr. Maciel of the Legionnaires. It seems obedience was his rationale for accepting this grotesque evil. The demand for obedience to evil is a tool of tyranny. Look at St Thomas More, who put obedience to God above the demands of the king whom he had sworn to obey — and was beheaded. When bishops, priests, faithful Catholics put loyalty to Jesus Christ above obedience to novel and perverse new “doctrines,” they are scoffed, persecuted and cancelled by heretical hierarchs. They must disobey the superiors they have vowed to obey. And so, under the slur of disobedience, our most faithful priests and bishops are being cast aside. Such a diabolical quandary within our One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church. The pasture has been invaded by false shepherds. We are abandoned to decide for ourselves what is true doctrine. We disagree among ourselves about this, dissolving into factions of shades of conservatism because the rock of the unity our Church and its holy teaching have been betrayed. “We ought to obey God, rather than men.” In deed we must. And therein lies our terrible dilemma. For where is the Truth to be found on earth now? Who can proclaim it with Authority? “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt lose its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out, and to be trodden on by men.” Matthew 5:13. “And will not God revenge His elect who cry to him day and night: and will he have patience in their regard? I say to you, that he will quickly revenge them. But yet, the Son of man, when he comes, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?” Luke 18:7-8.
Thank you! Like many modern writers, Sienkiewicz went through many temptations. However, from an enthusiastic "progressivist," he became an incurable skeptic and a conservative traditionalist who distanced himself from the modern world. His historical trilogy—"With Fire and Sword," "The Deluge," and "Pan Wołodyjowski"—especially reflects both his strong Romantic inclination (literary speaking) and his "traditionalist" turn (intellectually speaking). His work is definitely worth reading—especially the trilogy.
Power is ever true to its vital principle, for in every shape it would reign without control or inquiry – its throne being built across a dark abyss, which no eye must dare to explore, lest the baseless fabric should totter under investigation. Thus obedience, blind obedience, is the catch-word of tyrants of every description.
- Mary Wollstonecroft
Wonderful piece, I now want to investigate his work! And that quote... A truth bomb: "Obedience must have its limits, beyond which guilt begins."! Thank you!
My thoughts, too!
This is confusing, Robert:
<< What is always omitted by the proponents of hyper- or super-papalism (Peter Kwasniewski) is a certain condition that, although only implicit, is absolutely obligatory: >>
It makes it sound like I am a proponent of hyperpapalism, when that is precisely what I argue against in countless pages.
Dear Dr. Kwasniewski, I have modified the text. Please excuse the confusion, and thank you for your comment!
Abuse takes many forms, but a cover of a virtue such as obedience helps the medicine go down for those of a religious temperament. I read the story of a seminarian who described being abused by Fr. Maciel of the Legionnaires. It seems obedience was his rationale for accepting this grotesque evil. The demand for obedience to evil is a tool of tyranny. Look at St Thomas More, who put obedience to God above the demands of the king whom he had sworn to obey — and was beheaded. When bishops, priests, faithful Catholics put loyalty to Jesus Christ above obedience to novel and perverse new “doctrines,” they are scoffed, persecuted and cancelled by heretical hierarchs. They must disobey the superiors they have vowed to obey. And so, under the slur of disobedience, our most faithful priests and bishops are being cast aside. Such a diabolical quandary within our One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church. The pasture has been invaded by false shepherds. We are abandoned to decide for ourselves what is true doctrine. We disagree among ourselves about this, dissolving into factions of shades of conservatism because the rock of the unity our Church and its holy teaching have been betrayed. “We ought to obey God, rather than men.” In deed we must. And therein lies our terrible dilemma. For where is the Truth to be found on earth now? Who can proclaim it with Authority? “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt lose its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out, and to be trodden on by men.” Matthew 5:13. “And will not God revenge His elect who cry to him day and night: and will he have patience in their regard? I say to you, that he will quickly revenge them. But yet, the Son of man, when he comes, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?” Luke 18:7-8.