A Thanksgiving Gift: The Miraculous Apparition of the Holy Virgin Mary at Guadalupe (1531)
A True Literary Story about the Most Significant Event Ever Happened in the New World

In spite of the missionary zeal of the first Franciscan monks who arrived in Mexico at the beginning of the 16th century of the Christian era, few were those who converted to Christianity. The bloodthirsty Aztec gods, dominated by the legendary “feathered serpent,” Quetzalcoatl, were unwilling to lose their influence over the peoples who offered them approximately twenty thousand (20,000!) victims annually. After Captain Hernando Cortés was forced to leave the province, Bishop Juan de Zumárraga sadly witnessed the deterioration of the situation in the new territories.
Driven by loyalty to the tyrannical idols their ancestors had worshipped for centuries, the natives were preparing for the permanent expulsion of the intruders. In such conditions, the Bishop felt that only a miracle could prevent disaster. A man of holy life, he implored day and night for heavenly help, praying to Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, to intervene and prevent the impending wave of violence at any moment. In secret, he asked the magnificent Queen for an unheard-of sign that would undoubtedly show that his prayers had been heard: roses from Castile. Completely unknown in the New World, these wonderful flowers would truly be a sign worthy of She who is—as the ancient Byzantine hymn says—“more honorable than the cherubim and more glorious than the seraphim.”
An obscure Mexican: Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin (1474–1548)
Among the Mexicans who received the Holy Sacrament of Baptism in the year 1525 was a poor peasant who would go down in history as Juan Diego. Impressed by the preaching of the Franciscan missionaries, who spoke of a religion of love entirely different from the idolatry that demanded countless human victims, Juan—originally named Cuautitlan—decided to be baptized along with his obedient wife, Maria Lucia. Also joining them in baptism was his uncle, Juan Bernardino, who had raised him after he became an orphan of both parents.
In the midst of a humble life, lived with the perpetual concern for the morrow, Juan Diego was to face a heavy trial: the death of his wife, which occurred in the year 1529. Left alone in an empty house, deprived of the presence of a soul to support him in the midst of a harsh life, Juan decided to leave and spend the rest of his days with his uncle, Bernardino. A reserved and peace-loving nature, he found his greatest joy in the sermons of the Franciscan friars, whose church in Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City) was about 25 kilometers away from the village of Tolpetlac where he lived.
At least twice a week, on Saturdays and Sundays, Juan would set out long before dawn to attend the morning liturgy. Devoutly participating in the sacred ceremonies, he listened attentively to the catechesis of the monks. One after another, the days of this humble peasant, unnoticed by anyone, passed through the hourglass of time without anything remarkable happening until that marvelous Saturday, December 9, 1531, when Juan Diego set out on the long journey that would lead him before the Savior Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Called by name by the Queen of the Universe. The first appearance
Accustomed to the long distance, he set out early, more than four hours before the start of the Holy Liturgy. The thought of the ceremonies marking the celebration of the birth of the Holy Virgin Mary gave him wings. Nothing pleased him more than seeing the holy priests, serving with divine solemnity the Gregorian Mass, amidst the gentle light of the candles adorning the church. Under the cold brilliance of the stars, he walked driven by the concern not to be late. Meditating on the teachings acquired in catechesis, Juan approached the Tepeyac hill, which retained traces of the pagan temple dedicated to the Aztec goddess of the moon, Tonantzin. Suddenly, an extraordinary event tore him away from his contemplations, making him forget the penetrating cold.
A gentle music was heard descending from above, as if it emanated from the dawn of morning. He stopped abruptly, listening attentively. Was he dreaming? Ethereal sounds, like the fluttering wings of delicate and unseen birds, mixed with the murmur of springs and celestial scents, flooded his senses. Hearing and smell were conquered by everything he perceived. Soon, his eyes were captivated by a small white cloud, surrounded by a rainbow formed by multicolored rays of light. As if all this were not enough, the music suddenly stopped to make way for a voice that called him by name:
“Juanito… Juan Dieguito.”
The gentleness of the call was irresistible. With refreshed energy, Juan began to climb hastily towards the heights of the hill from where the mysterious voice seemed to come. There, with amazement and trembling, he saw a Lady of radiant beauty. Young and delicate, with features of perfect harmony, dressed like an Aztec princess, she was brighter than the sun itself. Looking at him with a warm, maternal smile, she asked affectionately:
“Juanito, my son, where are you going?”
With a voice choked with emotion, he whispered in response:
“Noble Lady, I am heading to the Church of Tlaltelolco, where I will attend the Holy Liturgy.”
Smiling approvingly, the Lady continued:
“I want you to know with certainty, you, the most humble of my sons, that I am the ever-perfect Virgin Mary, the mother of the True God, through whom all things exist, the Lord of beings and things, the Master of heaven and earth. I ardently desire that a temple (teocalli) be built in this place where I will show and give my love, compassion, assistance, and protection to all people. I am your merciful Mother, the Mother of all who live in this land, of all humanity, the mother of all who love me, who complain to me, who trust in me. Here, I will listen to their complaints and sorrows, heal and alleviate their sufferings, needs, and misfortunes. To fulfill these intentions, go to the Bishop’s house in Tenochtitlan and tell him that I have sent you and that it is my wish for a church to be built here. Tell him everything you have seen and heard. Be sure that I will be very grateful to you and will reward you for fulfilling what I have asked of you. My son, now that you have heard my words, go and fulfill them as much as you can.”
Bowing with deep humility, Juan addressed her politely:
“My Most Holy Lady, I will do everything you ask of me.”
With gentleness, he withdrew, descending the steep hill, heading towards the city with amazement and joy.
Aware of his modest condition, Juan was assailed by doubts about how he would be received at the court of the Primate of Mexico at that time, His Holiness Juan de Zumárraga. However, the memory of the radiant face of the Most Holy Virgin calmed his fears, giving him the strength to go all the way. He confidently knocked on the door of the episcopal residence. After waiting for quite some time in the cold morning air, Juan was admitted to the audience chamber. Using a skilled translator named Juan Gonzalez, the bishop listened to the account of the humble native who, kneeling as a sign of respect for the priestly dignity, calmly spoke about the astonishing apparition. Questioning him about his condition and concerns, Bishop Zumárraga seemed pleased with the piety of the interlocutor. Prudently, he asked him to return after some time, promising to reflect on his words. Leaving the residence in thought, Juan Diego set out on the long journey back home.
Hopes and disappointments. The second appearance
Upon his return, he felt intensely that the Lady was waiting for him. Reaching the Tepeyac hill once again, indeed, he encountered the celestial apparition. Kneeling, he recounted everything:
“Noble Lady, I followed your orders. I entered the audience chamber of the Bishop, although it was difficult. I saw His Holiness just as you asked. He received me kindly and listened attentively, but when he asked me, it seemed that he did not believe me. He told me that I could come again, and he would listen to me further. He also said that he would carefully ponder what I told him as well as the intention that led me to him. However, from the way he responded, I think he believes that I invented the story to have a church built here.
Therefore, I implore you, Lady, to entrust this message to someone important, well-known, and respected, so that your wish may be fulfilled. I am just a poor peasant, and you, my Lady, have sent me where I do not belong. Forgive me if I have disappointed you with the failure of my mission.”
When he finished his account, the Lady looked at him kindly, smiling graciously:
“Listen to me, my dear son, you must understand that I have many servants and messengers whom I could charge with delivering my message. But beyond that, it is necessary for you to be the one to fulfill this mission, and through you, my desire will be brought to completion. I ask you to go to the Bishop again tomorrow. Tell him on my behalf and make my request fully known, namely that a church must be built here. And repeat to him: the Virgin Mary herself, the Mother of God, is the one who sent you.”
Feeling his heart filled with confidence, Juan Diego burst out confessing his devotion:
“Holy Virgin, I will not disappoint you. I will go there again, joyfully, to fulfill your request, even if I am not listened to this time. Tomorrow, before sunset, I will return here and tell you everything the Bishop said.”
He left with the desire to rest for the upcoming long journey. After a frugal dinner, he went to sleep, resting until the dawn of Sunday, December 10, 1531.
Awakening early, Juan set out on the road, more troubled than the previous day, with doubts and fears. “How will Father Bishop receive him?” “What will he do if the servants of the residence release the dogs upon him?” Such thoughts made him cover the distance without realizing it. Arriving, he hesitated. Invoking the help of the Holy Virgin, he dared. He knocked on the door of the house. As expected, the servants were even more cautious. But Juan did not give up. Finding in himself unsuspected energies, he insisted tenaciously until it opened. Thus, for the second time in just two days, our humble peasant stood before the Primate of the Mexican Church, Bishop Juan de Zumárraga.
With a subdued voice but a calm tone, the protégé of the Virgin recounted everything as requested. Perplexed, the bishop listened attentively, showing the same goodwill as the first time. Now, however, it was clear to him that something was amiss. He decided to subject him to a test. He began to question him in detail about the apparition. Juan described everything again, with the same impressive wealth of details. There was no contradiction in his accounts. After more than an hour of questions and discussions, the bishop was perplexed. Stirred by the thrill of a mysterious hope, he asked Juan Diego for something unexpected: a supernatural sign. Yes! He must go and ask that radiant Lady to give him a sign. Then any doubt would be dispelled.
An unpleasant surprise. The third appearance
Full of doubts and uncertainties, our hero left the bishop’s residence. In the vicinity of the Tepeyac hill, he disappeared from the eyes of the two discreetly sent servants of Father Zumárraga to follow this peculiar peasant. When he reached the heights, he had the joy of seeing that, as expected, the Lady was there. With a trembling voice, saddened by what seemed to him a new failure, he told her everything. When he finished, to his surprise, the Holy Virgin Mary was serene and smiling. She spoke to him with great gentleness, showing an unwavering confidence that moved him to tears:
“It is very well, my little son. Come back here tomorrow, and you will have the sign you are waiting for. Then he will believe you, and no doubt will remain with you. Remember my words carefully, my child: I will reward you generously for all your troubles, efforts, and problems you have faced because of my request. Now you can go home. Tomorrow I will be here waiting for you.”
On the way back, he felt the pain in his feet and hips due to repeated climbs. But that was still nothing. A cruel blow befell him when he arrived at Uncle Bernardino’s house. During his absence, the old man had suddenly fallen ill. Trembling all over, the old man struggled between life and death. An atrocious form of flu, called by the natives cocolixtle, had taken hold of him, leading him to an unavoidable end. With a heart broken in pain, Juan spent the entire night and almost the entire next day at the bedside of the one who was his last connection to this world. Understanding that no one could change anything, he set out for Tenochtitlan with only one thought: to bring a priest to give his good uncle final sacraments. Only now, from the depths of his memory, came back to him the face of Mary, the Holy Queen of heaven and earth. Full of doubts, he decided to bypass the hill, planning to return to meet the Lady only after his uncle’s situation was resolved. Distraught and saddened, he tried to implement his plan.
So, he set out on another, longer road that bypassed the Tepeyac hill on the other side. What followed filled him with humility and delight. Knowing the hidden intentions of his heart, the Lady appeared, descending the slope and approaching at an angle that made the encounter inevitable. No sermon, no lesson, no catechesis could summarize the essence of this gesture of the woman who gave birth to the Divine Savior, Jesus Christ. Just as she did with Juan Diego, with an unspeakable love for us, poor sinners, the Holy Virgin Mary is ready to set out, seeking to snatch us from the clutches of our uncertainties and troubles.
Heavenly gifts. The fourth and last appearance
Enveloped in the same radiant garment of divine beauty, she addressed him with a gentleness capable of shattering the hardness of any soul:
“What troubles you, my little son? Where are you going?”
Ashamed and moved to tears, Juan Diego unfolded his story:
“Noble Lady, what I have to tell you will sadden you. Your humble servant, my uncle, is very ill. He is suffering from a severe illness and is on the verge of death. I am hurrying to the Church of Tenochtitlan to summon a priest to confess him and administer the last rites. Once I have done this, I will return here immediately to convey your message. Please forgive me and have patience with me. I will not disappoint you. I promise with all my faith that I will come back here tomorrow with the utmost haste.”
No genius, no matter how gifted, no theologian, no matter how wise, no philosopher, no matter how learned, could better capture the essence of Christian faith and the principle of abandoning to the Almighty hands of God the Son, Jesus Christ, and His Pure Mother:
“My dear son, listen to me well and let my words penetrate deeply into your heart. Do not be troubled and burdened by sorrow. Do not fear any illness or discomfort, nor any unrest or suffering. Am I not here, your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not the fountain of your life? Are you not sheltered by my mantle? Is there something you need? Do not let your uncle’s illness disturb you because he will not die from it. Even at this moment, he is healed.”
After uttering these words, accompanied by a delicate smile, the Queen of heaven and earth invited him to climb to the place where he had met her in the preceding days.
“There you will find more flowers in bloom. Gather them carefully, arrange them together, and then return to show me the bouquet you have obtained.”
Juan Diego climbed. The landscape exceeded all expectations. Castilian roses, along with other wonderful flowers, filled the air with heavenly fragrances, seemingly rising directly from the barren rocks where nothing could grow. After gathering them, he took the utmost care to fold the hem of his cloak (tilma) that covered his body, descending slowly toward the Holy Mother, who spoke to him thus:
“My dear son, these flowers are the sign you will take to the bishop. Tell him in my name that in them, he will recognize my will and the fact that I desire it to be fulfilled. You will be my ambassador, to whom I grant all my trust. Please do not open your cloak or show its contents to anyone until you are in the presence of the bishop. Then tell him everything: recount how I sent you to the top of the hill where you found these flowers growing abundantly, ready to be picked. Tell him once again all that you have seen and heard, so that he may comply with my wishes and build the church (teocalli) that I have requested to be erected here.”
Roses for the Bishop
He almost floated all his way long. Arriving in front of the bishop’s residence, he knocked on the door. When the exasperated servants saw him, they huffed, letting him wait. They no longer wanted to open for him. When, after more than an hour, they saw that the eccentric peasant did not leave his position in front of the gate, they approached determined to drive him away. Observing that he held something in the folds of his cloak, they tried to see what he was hiding. Eager not to provoke him with a complete refusal, Juan lifted a corner of his mantle, allowing them to catch a glimpse of the beauty of paradise. Contrary and instigated, the servants tried to open by force his entire cloak. Then, a miracle! The unseen flowers transformed into an embroidery sewn inside the miraculous cloak...
Shocked by what had happened, they rushed up the stairs leading to the room of Bishop Juan de Zumárraga. Hurriedly, they called for Juan Diego. He entered. Without kneeling, fearing that the miraculous flowers might fall down, he bowed deeply before an illustrious group, visiting courtesy to Bishop Juan de Zumárraga. Among them was none other than Bishop Don Sebastian Ramirez y Fuenleal, the new governor of Mexico. In ways known only to her, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Holy Virgin Mary, was bringing her plan to fruition.
After recounting everything that the Holy Lady had commanded him, Juan Diego concluded by telling Bishop Juan de Zumárraga that he had brought the miraculous sign requested. With careful gestures, he opened the cloak. The Castilian roses and other flowers spilled onto the polished floor. Everyone present fell silent. Looking at them, Juan realized that there was something else he was not seeing yet. Without looking at the roses anymore, they gazed with fascinated faces at his chest. Trying to follow where they were looking, he finally understood: an incredible beautifully image representing the Virgin Mary who had appeared on Tepeyac Hill could be seen on the inner side of his cloak. The two bishops – the Primate of Mexico and the Governor of the province – along with their entourage knelt before the miraculously envisioned icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe, supernaturally created by God himself on the cloak of a humble Mexican peasant. From that moment on, this image, not painted by human hands, would be known worldwide as “Our Lady of Guadalupe.”
After long minutes of veneration, Bishop Zumárraga rose and embraced the humblest of the servants of the Virgin, the immortal Juan Diego. Emotionally and happily, he heard His Holiness decree the immediate construction of a chapel dedicated to Our Lady, which would be used until the plans for a magnificent Church were meticulously prepared.
Through the mediation of the residence servants, the news spread like wildfire. The next day, when the icon was carried with great honor to the church in Tenochtitlan, the crowds filled the streets to capacity. The miracle had occurred. The prayers of the holy bishop had been answered. The conversion of the Aztecs was triggered with enthusiasm typical of this strong-blooded people. Churches, once empty, became overcrowded with those eager to receive Holy Baptism, entering under the protective mantle of the Virgin Mary.
The adventure, which began more than 400 years ago, has not ended. It continues today, with Guadalupe becoming one of the largest sanctuaries and pilgrimage sites on the entire earth. Chosen by God to crush the head of the serpent, the Holy Virgin Mary leads right now, in our days, one of the fiercest battles aimed at establishing the triumph of her Immaculate Heart united with the Most Sacred Heart of the Savior Jesus Christ: the fight for Christian families, for the life of babies unborn and those considered unworthy of life.
Stella matutina, ora pro nobis!
An absolutely lovely telling 🌹🌹🌹😌 ✍🏼♥️ of what is indeed probably the most important event to have ever happened in this hemisphere of the Globe! ⛰️🌎
Grace and peace to you Amigo!
Onward to Bethlehem.....✨🌴🐪👑
Thank you so much, Robert! And prayers for a Lives of the Saints book :)